Terms & Privacy Policy


1. Service Guarantees

1.1. By using accsvendor.com services, you agree to the following guarantees:

  • Full guarantee of the account within 48 hours after purchase.
  • Sale of accounts in proper condition.
  • Replacement of accounts in case of invalidity due to accsvendor.com's fault.
  • Refund if an invalid account cannot be replaced (ACTIVE guarantee must be active).

1.2. Forbidden Uses for Purchased Accounts

The following uses are strictly forbidden for accounts purchased on accsvendor.com:

  • Use of original (local, home) IP address.
  • Use of VPN services (paid, free, built-in, and others).
  • Use of an anonymous TOR browser.
  • Use of virtual machines, device emulators, and servers (VPS, VDS).
  • Use of IPv6, common proxy, public proxy.
  • Use of proxies and devices obtained illegally (including botnets, etc.).
  • Logging into 2 or more accounts using 1 device and 1 proxy server.
  • Use of prohibited programs and services (Sobot, proxymania.ru, keyproxy.net, 911.re, instap.ru).

1.3. User Responsibility and Account Security

1.3.1. accsvendor.com and its employees do not provide training or advice. Users must take care of account data preservation themselves.

1.4. Rights of accsvendor.com

accsvendor.com and its employees reserve the right to:

  • Not change initially valid accounts if issues arise after customer interaction.
  • Refuse refund for purchased valid accounts.
  • Block customers and deny refunds in cases of spam, negative reviews, or rude behavior.

1.5. Client Confirmation

By agreeing to the store rules during purchase, the client confirms:

  • Reading the detailed account descriptions.
  • Changing passwords and ensuring account security for prolonged use.
  • Assuming responsibility after purchase.
  • Acknowledging cancellation of the guarantee for violations of section 1.2.
  • Acceptance of all terms outlined in the agreement.

1.6. Additional Information for Suppliers

Accs Vendor reserves the right to block identified accounts and access if users have more than one account, transferring funds to Accs Vendor as penalties.

For more information, please visit our FAQ.


The accsvendor.com service acts as an intermediary between account sellers and buyers. Buyers are responsible for the legal use of accounts and agree not to engage in spamming or fraudulent activities. accsvendor.com does not endorse illegal activities using purchased accounts.

If you encounter any issues or difficulties, please contact us.

[email protected]

Privacy Policy

EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/20/2023

Accs Vendor is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and strives to earn and maintain your trust by adhering to a core set of Privacy Principles.

Intro: This Privacy Policy outlines how Accs Vendor utilizes and protects any information you provide. We prioritize your privacy and aim to inform you about the information we collect and how we use it. Please read on to understand how your information is handled when using our site and services.

1. Information Collection: We collect personal information voluntarily provided by you, such as your name, email address, and other self-provided details. This includes navigation and payment information, which may indirectly identify you.

2. Third-Party Access: Accs Vendor engages trusted third-party service providers (payment systems, CRM systems, email services, etc.) with limited access to perform specific tasks on our behalf. We share information with them only as necessary to provide services securely.

3. Cookies and Analytical Data: Small text files stored on your computer help tailor our site to your needs. While not strictly required, disabling cookies may impact site functionality. We use Yandex. Metrica to anonymously track visited pages for a better user experience.

4. Use of Personal Information: We use collected information only as outlined in this Privacy Policy to provide you with optimal services and understand your needs. Users may unsubscribe from newsletters and promotional emails anytime using the provided "unsubscribe" link.

5. Information Disclosure: We commit to maintaining your trust and share information collected under specific circumstances:

  • With your consent: Sharing contact information with third-party advertising partners.
  • Transfer of rights: In events like site sales, mergers, or bankruptcy.
  • Legal requirements: To respond to legal requests and obligations.
  • Site and User Protection: To safeguard rights, interests, and safety.

6. Data Storage: We retain Personal Data for a reasonable commercial duration to provide services or products. Your personal data is securely stored in an encrypted and secure environment with limited access.

7. Final Provisions: This Privacy Policy is subject to change without prior notice and is publicly available on our site. Users agree to the terms outlined herein.

Contact Information: If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or our handling of your personal information, please get in touch with us:

Thank you for trusting accsvendor.com with your privacy.